Objective: Lead dynamic and transformative undergraduate programs.
MBA, Business Administration, Pacific Lutheran University, 2002
BA, Political Science and Spanish, Pacific Lutheran University, 1997
Graduate, International Spanish Immersion High School, Eugene OR, 1994
Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon (6/2009 - Present)
Noteworthy Leadership and Honors in Academic Setting
- Co-chaired Diversity and Inclusion Committee 2010- 2011 and 2011-2012;
- Co-authored two winning Innovations in Diversity and Academic Excellence awards;
- Led coalition of collaborators to launch Building Business Leaders Cohorts;
- Co-chaired planning committee for inaugural Diversity in the Workplace Symposium;
- 2012 Martin Luther King Jr Award Recipient for Social Advocacy and Justice.
Presentation Repertoire in Academic Environment
- Prospective student and parent workshops for UO “DuckDays.”
- New student orientation workshops for Pre-Business Majors.
- Large lecture instruction of Maximizing Your Liberal Education, 2010 and 2011.
- Seminar instruction of Building Business Leaders, 2010, 2011 and spring 2012.
- Faculty presentation and summary of BBL project.
- Private donor presentations for sponsorship of BBL project.
- Panel presenter for Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity cross-campus luncheons.
- Break-out session presenter for LCB Diversity in Workplace Symposium.
Direct student service experience
- Advise pre-business, business and accounting majors of degree requirements.
- Connect undergraduate students with LCB and campus-wide support services.
- Counsel undergraduate students on career related curricular options.
- Participate in admissions and graduation processing of business and accounting majors.
Academic and Leadership Instruction Experience
2009-2010 school year:
- Researched best practices in development of diversity building in undergraduate student populations.
- Collaborated on grant writing, strategic planning, budget and curriculum design.
- Built a coalition of inter-departmental and cross-campus collaborators to implement pilot project.
- Designed original curriculum and delivered large lecture seminar in maximizing a liberal arts educational planning.
- Designed original curriculum for Building Business Leaders seminars.
2010-2011 school year:
- Continued to recruit students to program with use of social media and direct mailings.
- Collaborated with multiple departments and offices to solve programmatic obstacles.
- Implemented student-centered solutions in classroom and extra-curricular spaces.
- Built culture and systems to sustain the innovation around diversity building.
- Recruited, trained, and managed mentor program for initiative participants.
- Supervised teaching assistants in classroom experiences.
- Oversaw grant budget and reported to committee, OIED and Associate Dean.
- Maintain blogs and social media for outreach and documentation of the initiative.
- Taught cohort seminars of under-represented students college success strategies and leadership projects.
- Reported results to LCB community and presented for OIED on pilot progress.
2011-2012 school year:
- Developed systems and structures for sustainability of program.
- Established alliances with residential life, Center for Multi-cultural Enrichment and other academic units for greater institutionalization of program.
- Supervised student staff and volunteers.
- Oversaw social media communication tools of project:
- twitter: @ceo_network
- facebook pages
- Built broad base of support with alumni, businesses and minority professionals for private sponsorship.
- Collaborated on symposium to engage critical constituent relationships.
- Monitored budgets and solicited private sponsorship.
- Drafted white paper of method for university-wide use and adoption.
Wells Fargo Bank (2/2009 - 6/2009) Service Manager, Eugene, OR
Managed all aspects of teller cash line for financial operations center:
- Planned, scheduled, and coordinated personnel activities such as performance evaluations and behavior modification.
- Motivated associates to achieve sales goals.
- Resolved customer inquiries and complaints.
- Explained bank policy and procedures to customers and associates.
- Analyzed sales reports, advised Senior Management of corrective course action.
Thrivent Financial (11/2002 - 01/2009) Associate Director, Eugene, OR
Provided support to senior partner in management and in all projects critical to the growth and success of the firm. Projects ranged from marketing campaigns and public relations events to internal campaigns for product development and deployment. Role specific details:
Public Relations
- Delivered proprietary financial workshops for audiences ranging 36-150 in attendance using Microsoft Power Point presentation.
- Maintained key relationships with community business partners. Designed and presented sales presentations for account acquisition.
- Managed $100,000 annual budget and execution of business plan producing $3M in annual revenue.
- Collaborated in all long and short term strategic planning and earned a lead position for the firm in the discretionary trading program.
- Administered strategy and implementation of annual acquisition of investment accounts
- Provided investment advisory services to clients.
- Established goals and assembled a team to execute money management advice.
- Analyzed complex financial data.
- Recruited, trained, and mentored six junior staff.
- Developed branding and marketing goals and oversaw junior staff plan execution.
- Facilitated retreat and strategic planning sessions for staff.
- Led regional women sales associates retreat.
Pacific Lutheran University (6/1999 - 5/2002), Administrator, Tacoma, WA
Financial Advisor
- Met with prospective students and advised “best fit” financial strategies.
- Counseled families, interpreting federal financial aid system policies and regulations
- Directed families to additional resources when appropriate.
- Developed systems, processes, tasks, and tools to facilitate department duties.
- Sought students who would be the 'best fit' for a small, Lutheran, accredited liberal art university.
- Traveled designated region delivering prepared and ad hoc presentations to prospective student and alumni niche markets.
- Managed cohort of applicants through their transition from outside the university to matriculated member of student body.
- Advised on first semester coursework according to academic intention.
- Referred students and families to additional university services.
- Assisted with execution of annual university events.
Student Employment Program Director
- Managed college student job services.
- Supervised student employees.
- Engaged business community to place students.
- Developed systems, processes, tasks and tools to facilitate department duties. Planned and tracked annual and monthly budgets.
- Planned and tracked $1.2M annual budget.
Chair, Board of Directors L.E.A.D non-profit organization, 2009
Rotary International (1998-1999) Rotarian Ambassador, Guadalajara, Mexico
Pacific Lutheran University Athletics Department Board of Advisers, 2006
Legislative Aide, Washington State Senate, 1997
Pastors for Peace, Cuba Relief student mission,1995